Mace to reopen construction sites

The infrastructure firm Mace has announced that it will start reopening sites, and end its temporary suspension of construction work across UK projects in response to the coronavirus.

In a statement, it argued that ‘restrictions around social distancing are likely to be in place for many months – and so construction must find a way to work safely – if we do not, we will be unable to support the UK’s economic recovery’.

Following Mace’s temporary suspension of construction work on Tuesday 24 March, the group’s board announced that it would begin a progressive re-opening of some construction projects from the morning of Tuesday 7 April.

Mace will open sites in accordance with the Construction Leadership Council’s Standard Operating Procedures as soon as possible.

In its statement, the company said: ‘The health, safety and wellbeing of everyone who works on our sites is our first priority. We have made it clear that we would not re-open our construction projects until we were satisfied that it was safe to do so. During this period, there have been ongoing critical works on a number of projects that have allowed us to test and develop our procedures for a wider opening.

‘We are working closely with our clients and supply chain to make this re-opening a success. The Mace Group Board, our construction leadership teams and our project teams will be taking personal responsibility for ensuring that guidance is strictly followed. If it is not, we will close sites immediately.’